Tell Your Story with Tee Prizes

Golf tee prizes are a staple for most golf tournaments. Price, quality, sponsor recognition, audience and functionality are some of the factors that play a role in tee prize selection.
Perhaps the most important consideration in tee prize selection is how well the products tell a story.
Why does the story matter? How many golf tournaments do you hear about or sign up for in the course of a year? Do you remember all the tournament names? The golf courses? Your scores? Perhaps. Chances are, it is the story that leaves a lasting impression.
Case in point...
A local Golden Retriever dog rescue group held a fundraising and awareness tournament in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. A special surprise was waiting on each tee box - an actual Golden needing to be adopted! Volunteers shared the names and backgrounds of each dog. Many of the animals had been abused or neglected. Some had physical handicaps and needed special care. As each player waited to tee off, they had the opportunity to interact with the dogs first-hand. Many of the Golden Retrievers were adopted at the post-tournament dinner as a result.
Upon hearing that the dogs would be stationed at each tee box, our team member recommended that a custom pin flag with a unique full color, double-sided design be placed on all 18 flagsticks. Each flag featured a photo of the dog that the players saw on the tee box along with the animal's name. New "Moms" and "Dads" received the custom flag that featured their new pet. In addition to the flags, every tournament participant was given a custom flying disc among the standard sleeve of golf balls, towel and cooler bag.
The tee prizes and gifts were woven into the story of the fundraiser. The story is what moves the heart and creates the most memorable tournament experience. Not the three-putt on #4 or the ketchup stain on your favorite polo in between nines.
Next time you are in the market for tee prizes or gifts, ponder your story. If you need creative assistance, don't hesitate to contact the "story-telling" team.